SELECT fk.segment1
|| '.'
|| fk.segment2
|| '.'
|| fk.segment3
|| '.'
|| fk.segment4 asset_key,
asset_number, fb.book_type_code, fab.description,fc.segment1||','||fc.segment2 category,
fb.date_placed_in_service, fb.prorate_convention_code, fb.prorate_date,
(fb.basic_rate * 100) || '%' basic_rate,
(fb.adjusted_rate * 100) || '%' adjusted_rate,
TO_CHAR (date_retired, 'MON-YY') period_retired, asset_type, COST,
original_cost, salvage_value, recoverable_cost,
(SELECT SUM (total_deprn_amount)
FROM fa_financial_inquiry_deprn_v,gl_periods gp
WHERE asset_id = fb.asset_id
AND gp.end_date <= :p_end_date
and period_entered = gp.period_name) ytd_depc,
original_cost - ((SELECT SUM (total_deprn_amount)
FROM fa_financial_inquiry_deprn_v,gl_periods gp
WHERE asset_id = fb.asset_id
AND gp.end_date <= :p_end_date
and period_entered = gp.period_name)) net_book_value,
fl.segment1 || '.' || fl.segment2 || '.' || fl.segment3 LOCATION,
gcc.concatenated_segments gl_number,
fdh.units_assigned units
FROM fa_additions_v fab,
fa_books_v fb,
fa_distribution_history fdh,
fa_locations fl,
fa_retirements fr,
fa_asset_keywords fk,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc,
fa_categories_b fc
WHERE fab.asset_id = fb.asset_id
AND fb.asset_id = fdh.asset_id
AND fdh.location_id = fl.location_id
AND fdh.retirement_id = fr.retirement_id(+)
AND fk.code_combination_id = fab.asset_key_ccid
AND gcc.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
AND fab.asset_category_id = fc.category_id
AND fab.asset_number = :p_asset_number
AND fb.date_placed_in_service < :p_end_date
|| '.'
|| fk.segment2
|| '.'
|| fk.segment3
|| '.'
|| fk.segment4 asset_key,
asset_number, fb.book_type_code, fab.description,fc.segment1||','||fc.segment2 category,
fb.date_placed_in_service, fb.prorate_convention_code, fb.prorate_date,
(fb.basic_rate * 100) || '%' basic_rate,
(fb.adjusted_rate * 100) || '%' adjusted_rate,
TO_CHAR (date_retired, 'MON-YY') period_retired, asset_type, COST,
original_cost, salvage_value, recoverable_cost,
(SELECT SUM (total_deprn_amount)
FROM fa_financial_inquiry_deprn_v,gl_periods gp
WHERE asset_id = fb.asset_id
AND gp.end_date <= :p_end_date
and period_entered = gp.period_name) ytd_depc,
original_cost - ((SELECT SUM (total_deprn_amount)
FROM fa_financial_inquiry_deprn_v,gl_periods gp
WHERE asset_id = fb.asset_id
AND gp.end_date <= :p_end_date
and period_entered = gp.period_name)) net_book_value,
fl.segment1 || '.' || fl.segment2 || '.' || fl.segment3 LOCATION,
gcc.concatenated_segments gl_number,
fdh.units_assigned units
FROM fa_additions_v fab,
fa_books_v fb,
fa_distribution_history fdh,
fa_locations fl,
fa_retirements fr,
fa_asset_keywords fk,
gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc,
fa_categories_b fc
WHERE fab.asset_id = fb.asset_id
AND fb.asset_id = fdh.asset_id
AND fdh.location_id = fl.location_id
AND fdh.retirement_id = fr.retirement_id(+)
AND fk.code_combination_id = fab.asset_key_ccid
AND gcc.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
AND fab.asset_category_id = fc.category_id
AND fab.asset_number = :p_asset_number
AND fb.date_placed_in_service < :p_end_date
I wanted to ask questions regarding this query. We have custom report also of fix asset. Which tells the cost and depreciation and other details. The issue I am facing is that on form the cost value is shown different as on report. The report have formula of calculating the cost is SUM(nvl(adjustment_amount,0)). I want to ask that is that alright.